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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cheap California Healthcare Insurance Rate -- Suggestions To Help You Lower Costs

Contrary to what you might be made to believe, it's quite easy to position yourself for a cheaper California health care insurance rate. You just need the right recommendations and the determination to implement what you'll be taught to get a more affordable rate. We'll now take a look at a number of time-tested ways to get more for a lot less...

1. Healthy living will get you lower rates. If you can avoid taking junk food you'll pay less over time. You will do well to stick to the specified diet for you if you desire a healthy life and lower rates.

You will also help your health and rate by going on regular exercise.

2. For those who have a pre-existing condition that makes it hard or too expensive for them to get private personal health care coverage, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) insurance could provide a cheaper alternative.

3. Some people find themselves in a situation where they are not eligible for Medicaid and also have great difficulty paying for standard health insurance. A discount medical card is a more affordable alternative for such people. So what are they?

With these cards you get medical attention from a network of doctors who have agreed to provide their services to card carriers at lower rates. They are not generally affiliated with any California medical insurance company.

It's as well a great alternative for people with a pre-existing ailment that will disqualify them from most California health care insurance schemes or make them pay very exorbitant rates. No one is declined for whatever reason. You only have to pay a monthly fee to be eligible to use their network of doctors.

4. Premiums paid by self employed folks may be tax-deductible. If your employer offers a flexible spending account this might help you get a tax break. You can get details on this from your tax professional.

5. While shopping for cheap California medical insurance it's very important that you don't get carried away by just the lowest rate. What you need is not merely the cheapest quote but that which offers the best price to value ratio. You can get very low rates that include the value you are after if you shop extensively. But be ready to pay a little more if required to buy the right coverage for you.

Many a cheap quotes may be so because the insurer has omitted important components. A California health care insurance offer that gives inadequate coverage isn't a good deal even if it's five times cheaper than the quote that gives you sufficient coverage.

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