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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cheap California Medical Insurance Rate -- Tips For Reducing Costs

It is truly very easy for you to find the right California medical insurance coverage for a lot less. All you have to do to achieve this goal are pieces of information (That is, if you make use of them). We'll now take a look at a few time-tested ways to get more for a lot less...

1. Maintain a healthy routine and you'll attract cheaper rates with time. The quality of your diet will eventually have an effect on your rate. Try to cut off cholesterol, fats and high carb from your diet and you will not only pay less but also enjoy a healthier life.

You'll also help your health and rate by sticking to daily exercise.

2. For folks who have a pre-existing condition that makes it hard or costlier for them to enjoy private individual health insurance coverage, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) insurance would offer a more affordable alternative.

3. Some persons are not poor enough to qualify for plans for low-income earner and also have financial constraints that make standard health insurance hard to pay fo. If you are one of such, then you can save on health care by buying a discount medical card.

With these cards you are given medical attention from a network of doctors who have agreed to provide their services to card carriers at lower rates. They aren't normally provided by any California medical insurance company.

You can make use of this option if you have a medical history that has made California medical insurance carriers either declare you uninsurable or give you a rate that is very expensive. One advantage of a discount medical card is that everyone is welcome. Simply pay your monthly fee and you will have access to a network of doctors who will charge you less for their services.

4. For individuals who are self employed, your premiums might be tax-deductible. You may as well get a tax break if your employer offers a flexible spending account. Ask a tax professional. He/she will tell you savings you can or cannot make this way.

5. While shopping for affordable California medical insurance make sure that you don't get carried away by just the most affordable quote. What you need isn't merely the lowest quote but that which represents the best price to value ratio. You can get very cheap rates that give you the value you want if you shop right. But be prepared to pay slightly more if required to buy the right coverage for you.

Take note of this because some cheap quotes are that low because they do NOT have much value to offer you. A California medical insurance plan that compromises you isn't a good deal even if it's 500% less than the quote that offers you the right coverage.

6. You can lower your health insurance rates by obtaining and evaluating quotes from at least five good quotes sites.

Here are my favorite quotes sites...

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